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Ambassador Zeng Fanhua published a signed article in the mainstream media of Papua New Guinea entitled "Join hands to build a community with a shared future for mankind and write a new chapter in China-Papua New Guinea cooperation"

发布时间:2021-10-08 07:33:24 人气:11

Recently, Ambassador Zeng Fanhua published a signed article in the mainstream media of Papua New Guinea, The Courier-Mail and The National, entitled "Join hands to build a community with a shared future for mankind and write a new chapter in China-Papua New Guinea cooperation". The full text is as follows:

In January this year, the 3-hectare experimental field in Unggai-Bena, Kinoka Feo's constituency, which was first mechanically cultivated, harvested 15 tons of high-quality and low-cost rice, once again proving the potential of rice cultivation in the highlands.

The heroes behind this harvest are the agricultural experts of the China-aided Juncao and Upland Rice Technical Assistance Project in Papua New Guinea. For more than 20 years, Chinese experts have taken root in the local area and went deep into the villages, providing advanced technology and excellent fungi or seeds for free, helping local people get rid of hunger and poverty and embark on the road to prosperity, benefiting nearly 60,000 people.

The Juncao and Upland Rice projects are a model of China-Papua New Guinea cooperation, but the achievements of our cooperation are far more than that. In recent years, under the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries, the political mutual trust between China and Papua New Guinea has been continuously strengthened, the cooperation and exchanges have become increasingly close, and the people-to-people friendship has become deeper. China has provided a lot of assistance to Papua New Guinea, which has led to the construction of a large number of roads, airports, hospitals, schools, power grids and other infrastructure to improve people's livelihood and development conditions. The first batch of teachers and students from Butuka Academy went to China for exchanges. China has funded Papua New Guinea students to study in China for 38 consecutive years, and has sent medical teams to Papua New Guinea for 22 consecutive years to provide medical services to local people, and countless people have benefited.

In 2023, Prime Minister Marape successfully visited China, and the leaders of the two sides reached a series of new important consensuses, which pointed out the direction for the development of China-Papua New Guinea relations in the next stage and injected strong momentum. In the past year, the trade volume of goods between China and PNG reached K18.16 billion, and China continued to maintain PNG's position as the largest trading partner in Asia. The Bank of China PNG representative office opened, direct flights from Guangzhou, China to Port Moresby were launched, enterprises from the two countries signed a metal mineral downstream processing agreement, and the bilateral free trade agreement was accelerated. The practical cooperation between the two countries has continuously achieved gratifying results.

The vigorous development of China-PNG friendly cooperation is a vivid portrayal and practical achievement of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind proposed by President Xi Jinping.

Building a community with a shared future for mankind means that the future and destiny of every nation, every country, and every person are closely linked, and we should share weal and woe, and strive to build the planet where we were born and raised into a harmonious big family, promote the construction of a world of lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, cleanliness and beauty, and turn the people of all countries' yearning for a better life into reality.

In recent years, unilateralism, protectionism, and anti-globalization have risen, and hegemony, bullying, and bullying have caused serious harm. Humanity is standing at the crossroads of unity or division, dialogue or confrontation, win-win or zero-sum. Against this background, building a community with a shared future for mankind answers the question of the times, "Where is humanity going?" and provides a Chinese solution to "What kind of world to build and how to build this world." China has clearly put forward two major propositions: equal and orderly world multipolarization and inclusive economic globalization. It advocates that the process of multipolarization should be generally stable and constructive, insists on the equality of all countries, big and small, opposes hegemony and power politics, and opposes camp confrontation and ideological demarcation. It advocates that economic globalization should be conducive to mutual benefit and win-win results for all countries in the world, especially the accelerated development of developing countries, and is conducive to maintaining the stability and smoothness of the global production and supply chain and building an open world economy. These two propositions provide a solid basis for building a community with a shared future for mankind and point out the right direction for the common development of human society, long-term stability, and mutual learning among civilizations.

Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has always advocated self-improvement and win-win cooperation. In his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in October 2023, President Xi Jinping announced China's eight actions to support the high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, and said that countries with faster economic development should help their partners who are temporarily behind. Giving roses to others will leave a lingering fragrance on your hands, and helping others is also helping yourself. China says so and does so.

In 2023, China's GDP exceeded 126 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.2%, ranking among the top major economies in the world, and its contribution to the world economy has exceeded 30% for many consecutive years. This year, China's economy has further recovered and improved. From January to February, China's total import and export of goods was 6.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.7% year-on-year. Practice has fully proved that China is still the largest engine of global growth, providing strong momentum for the world economy and providing broader market opportunities for all countries.

While developing itself well, China actively promotes foreign cooperation. In 2023, China's non-financial direct investment abroad was US$130.1 billion, an increase of 11.4% year-on-year; the newly signed contract value of foreign contracting projects was US$264.51 billion, an increase of 4.5%. We also actively promote various types of foreign aid work to demonstrate the responsibility of a major country.

This year is my fourth year as Chinese Ambassador to Papua New Guinea. I am very honored to promote and witness the rapid development of China-Papua New Guinea relations and the continuous deepening of practical cooperation in various fields between the two countries, and become a participant and practitioner of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind. In the past few years, my colleagues and I have visited most provinces and regions in Papua New Guinea and had in-depth exchanges with friends from all walks of life. I deeply feel the high degree of similarity and complementarity between China and Papua New Guinea. On the one hand, we both have vast lands, simple people, and diverse cultures. We both work tirelessly for the prosperity of our country and the happiness of our people, and we have no intention of engaging in geopolitical or group confrontation. On the other hand, China has advanced technology, abundant capital, and a huge market, while Papua New Guinea has abundant resources and labor. The two sides complement each other and have great potential for cooperation. I believe that as long as China and Papua New Guinea join hands, sow the seeds of cooperation together, work hard, and take good care of them, we will reap the fruits of development, write a more glorious chapter in China-Papua New Guinea cooperation, and contribute our strength to building a community with a shared future for mankind and a better world.