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The Chinese Embassy in Papua New Guinea held a farewell reception for Ambassador Zeng Fanhua

发布时间:2024-06-18 17:20:52 人气:16

On June 6, the Chinese Embassy in Papua New Guinea held a farewell reception for Ambassador Zeng Fanhua. About 150 people attended the reception, including Chief Justice Salika, Deputy Prime Minister Rosso, Foreign Minister Tekachenko, Defense Minister Joseph, Petroleum Minister Maladina, Information and Communications Technology Minister Matthew, Chief Executive of the National Capital District Parkup, Northern Province Governor Juffa, relevant departments of Papua New Guinea, diplomatic missions in Papua New Guinea, media and academic representatives, representatives of Chinese-funded institutions and overseas Chinese.


Ambassador Zeng thanked the Papua New Guinea government and people from all walks of life for their strong support during his tenure. He said that over the past three years, under the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries and the joint efforts of both sides, the China-Papua New Guinea comprehensive strategic partnership has continued to deepen, and practical cooperation in various fields has achieved fruitful results. He looks forward to the continuous development of bilateral relations and better benefits for the two countries and their peoples.


Tekachenko delivered a speech on behalf of the Papua New Guinea government, thanking Ambassador Zeng for his work during his tenure, positively evaluating the development of China-Papua New Guinea relations and the achievements of cooperation in various fields in recent years, thanking China for providing timely and valuable assistance to Papua New Guinea's recent severe natural disasters, affirming the important contributions made by Chinese companies and overseas Chinese in Papua New Guinea to Papua New Guinea's economic and social development, and stating that Papua New Guinea has always attached great importance to developing relations with China, firmly adhered to the one-China principle, and looked forward to further deepening the friendship between China and Papua New Guinea and continuously reaching new levels of cooperation between the two countries.


Recently, Ambassador Zeng paid farewell visits to Governor-General Dadae, Prime Minister Marape, Foreign Minister Tekachenko, and several ministers and governors of Papua New Guinea.
